Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD) is a condition where the eyes are slightly misaligned and the eyes struggle to send one clear image to the brain. This misalignment typically doesn't show up on a standard eye exam, so someone can have 20/20 vision but unknowingly suffer from BVD. Only optometrists who specialize in binocular vision disorders can properly diagnose BVD.
BVD isn't uncommon - approximately 10-20% of the population have BVD, but typically their eyes automatically adjust to the misalignment, causing no symptoms. Symptoms can begin to appear as you age -typically after the age of 40, or they can develop as a result of a brain injury, concussion, or a neurological disorder (my doctor believes that POTS brought mine on).
Testing for BVD is non-invasive and pretty similar to a routine eye exam. There was also a portion of the exam that was completed at a vision therapy facility that included performing different tasks with special glasses on. It was all super easy!
If tests prove a misalignment in the eyes, those with BVD are typically prescribed micro-prism glasses. Prism glasses work by manipulating incoming light, so when the images from the two eyes reach the brain, the brain can fuse them into a single image -resulting in less symptoms. There is also an option to enroll in vision therapy to potentially fix the misalignment, however the therapy typically isn't covered by insurance.
YES! I got my prescription micro-prism glasses from Dr. Jason Deviney on September 30, 2022 and immediately, within the first day, I noticed a difference. Not only could I see clearer, but I didn't get as nauseous sitting in the passenger seat on the way home from the doctor and also managed to go out to dinner with my family that night without feeling dizzy or lightheaded. A week later, I drove myself to the grocery store without any issues! This was a big accomplishment for me because for the last several months I wasn't able to drive without severe dizziness and I became reliant on my family to drive me places. I noticed that my symptoms would also worsen in big stores (like the massive HEB Plus near my house). I could walk in on an "okay" POTS symptoms day, and within 10 minutes I'd either be grasping my cart or having to kneel down by my basket due to dizziness. Even though I was already so used to dealing with my POTS symptoms, I knew that something else was going on --so that's when I started researching and by chance stumbled upon BVD and booked an appointment to get tested. I also haven't had any issues looking at my phone or computer for long periods of time, which was becoming increasingly harder to do (and not ideal if you're a remote worker lol). Overall, my dizziness, lightheadedness, and nausea have decreased drastically since wearing the prism glasses.
While wearing prism glasses obviously won't cure your POTS, it could ease a few of your big symptoms, so it's definitely worth checking out!
***update April 28, 2023*** --- I am still wearing the prism glasses daily. They are still a big help when it comes to my dizziness, lightheadedness, and nausea. Driving has continued to get easier and I am driving to and from the grocery store, post office, etc. with little to no issues. I haven't started to drive long distances yet, but I'm hoping to do so soon! The dietary changes I made have definitely made the greatest difference in terms of helping my symptoms as a whole, but finding out about BVD and wearing the prisms daily has been a crucial piece to the puzzle and has helped me gain some independence back!